Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring has Sprung!

OK...I don't know about you but I'm exhausted from all these winter months...and all these winter clothes. I don't like layering unless it's a bunch of tanktops in different colors over a nice short denim skirt. Summer here we come!
I can see the buds pushing their way out and the birdies are a-singing...It's only a matter of time before the barbie will be fired up....

Hmmm...kinda like this blog thing...can write the way I talk without censoring myself too much....


JA Firebrand said...

Shut up! I SO LOVE YOUR BLOG Ms. What I'm Sayin'. LOVE IT! Weeeee! I want to be up on your vincentian geneology, TO production stuff and everything else that you always have your pulse on here. Hurrah!

VincyBabe said...

I'm hating this Monday morning rain. It's so dreary...blahhhhh...having a nice veggie omelet, cracked wheat toast and some peppermint tea right about now. Getting down to work shortly after deleting a bunch of spam emails...the weekend was nice...lots of sunshine.

Went antiquing yesterday and tried to find out more about my Royal Winton Grimwades charger plate...not much else. Oh yeah, there was that gas explosion at Tim Horton's over at Yonge/Bloor yesterday where that guy was killed . It looks like either an accident or suicide.

VincyBabe said...

I was just thinking that maybe I should post the URL that leads to my contributions on the St Vincent Genealogical Research site. It is yeah, there's a pic of me and PM Gonsalves. It was taken two years ago. My hair looks a little different now.

Regarding my genealogy, I've been doing it for six years and am planning to write a book using all the data I've collected. I've discovered a lot about Vincentian migration to America in the early 1900s. Soooo interesting... I love that Ellis Island site!

Will write calls.

JA Firebrand said...

Ok - you need to update your blog, not add more comments to the first entry!!!!!! :)

Got your note re: the "timmy's incident. Sigh, so love the library and so love Tim Hortons. Very sad and so good that others weren't hurt but bizarre, bizarre.

Btw, have you tried the new caramel turnovers @ timmy's? One word - gorgeous...

Sexy Fran said...

I feel your pain in having all those layers of clothes. I'm so glad that I can wear shorts all year round. LOL
